know me more ★

My name is Isabel, I'm 14 years old and born in Brazil, I'm a beginner character animator, illustrator and writer, i know to speak english and portuguese, I love a lot Castle of Nations.


Im not making comissions and im working in some projects, maybe i post somethings about in twitter, deviantart or wattpad.

read this before interacting

Im ambivert, sometimes i prefer to being alone playing or drawing, i talk frequently about my life and personal likes (ex. Castle of Nations or bandori), i dont make online friends, sorry :(. I dont use tiktok anymore and my insta is privade.

dont follow or interact if..

basic dni criteria, who likes noncon, proshippers/comshippers, toxic and problematic people, subtweets, demonika (@forsakengraves) and it's fans, etc.


Music, candy and sweets, plushies, Karl, bandori or rhythm games, MPB, unknown-psn's art, rainy days, CoN, write, sleep, dreaming/living in my "world", drawing, hugs, cuddles and pats (only people close to me).


Hot days, vegetables (even if I eat them), acidic foods, sneezing, pain, tight spaces, noisy places full of people, demonika, people who talk about only to kill themselves, problems or something like this.

My fav artists

Cosmo@bousoup, MARETU, Carlos Schvepper (or unknown psn), Cassia Eller, trcoot, zemyata, Ado, Liana Flores, Ichiko Aoba, SOAD, Kafka Asagiri and Zé Ramalho.